Efficient, Reliable UK-Wide Courier Services for Ambient and Refrigerated Deliveries, Tailored to Your Logistics and Transport Needs.
Same Day Courier
Immediate/Express Courier
Collect for delivery, immediately.
Contract Distribution
Same Day Delivery
If you need same-day delivery but the time is more flexible.
Refrigerated Transport
Refrigerated Same Day Delivery
Our temperature monitored and tracked vehicles are at the ready for same day delivery.
Pharmaceutical Courier
Delicate Goods
Our drivers are trained to transport almost anything safely and with the greatest of care.
Food Courier
Van Hire
Our sister company "Hire One" are there to hire small to large vans.
Just In Time
Pharmaceutical & Medical
Our trained drivers can deliver your Pharmaceutical requirements in our Pharmaceutical grade vehicles.
Invicta Couriers: Same day courier delivery services
Invicta Couriers stands proud as Kent’s foremost Ambient and Refrigerated Same-Day Courier, reaching every corner of mainland UK. Here’s why businesses trust us:
- Precision at its Best: Whether it’s ambient or refrigerated, we ensure timely deliveries. Our state-of-the-art temperature monitoring maintains your goods at the exact temperature, from pickup to drop-off.
- Always in Sight: Wondering where your consignment is? Our advanced vehicle tracking gives real-time updates, and not just on location – you’ll know the temperature of your goods too. Just gives us a call and we will update you in a flash.
- Commitment to Quality & Environment: We are FORS Silver accredited. This reflects our commitment to elite operational standards, safety for our drivers, and a greener planet with minimised emissions.
- Ready When You Are: Day or night, rain or shine, Invicta Couriers is at your service 24/7, ensuring your goods reach their destination exactly when you need them to.
- Wide range of vehicles: To cater for a wide range of requirements. From small vans all the way to 7.5 tonne. We also have ambient and refrigerated in all sizes.
Choose Invicta Couriers – and experience the best of Kent’s Ambient and Refrigerated Same-Day Courier services.